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Candid Family Photos
home stories and unique moments from your everyday life.
family photography
Family session (999zł lub 1800zł)
A photo session in your home, with the people closest to you and at your pace. It can be a newborn session, a pregnancy session, with a five- or fifteen-year-old, a dog, a cat or grandparents:) Find time to preserve your present forever. The effect of the session is 15 or 35 photos chosen by you from thumbnails in digital form and 15 beautiful prints in 15x21cm format.
A day in life (2200zł)
This is a unique session - I spend a minimum of 3 hours with you in your home and in addition to the typical family photos you also get images of you in your everyday life, eating, playing, crying and laughing. Images that flash to us somewhere "in between". I then pass on all the images from the session (minimum 50) - a beautiful keepsake for those who lack a photographer at home. If you would like to go back in time to what your day really looked like with two little ones running around the house, or your first days together as a family, just write to me. About a month after the session you will receive edited photos and 15 prints on 15x21cm paper.
Bump and baby (2500zł)
It is two photo sessions - before (usually in the 7th-8th month of pregnancy) and after the birth (if there are no obstacles to it, usually in the first 2 weeks of the baby's life). A wonderful souvenir of those last moments before meeting a new person and already in a new composition:). The effect of these meetings is a total of 40 photos in digital form, 20 of each and 20 prints with dimensions of 15x21cm.
Prices include working time during the session and in post-production, the experience and talent of the photographer, VAT and beautifully packaged photographic prints.
All the sessions are done in your homes in Warsaw and its surroundings, but a few times a month there is a possibility to make an appointment with me for a session outside Warsaw – such a session costs PLN 500 extra and I come to your home:) If you live outside of Poland, the details can be arranged individually – don’t be afraid to ask, we have done it more than once!
There is a possibility to buy shots beyond the package limit for an additional fee. Thumbnails of the photos after initial editing and retouching are sent to you 3-4 weeks after the session – then you can choose the most beautiful photos which you finally receive from me. Regular clients get discounts for the next session and the first to receive information about special actions:)
By participating in the session and signing the contract, you agree to publish the images on the website and social media (for the purpose of presenting the photographer’s portfolio only). I do not provide RAW files or unedited images. You will receive your chosen photos in .jpg format (in full resolution allowing for printing) in quantity corresponding to the package, in case of the Day of Life package – all of them:).
Thus, gentle reader, I have given thee a faithful history of my travels for sixteen years and above seven months: wherein I have not been so studious of ornament as of truth. I could, perhaps, like others, have astonished thee with strange improbable tales.
Thus, gentle reader, I have given thee a faithful history of my travels for sixteen years and above seven months: wherein I have not been so studious of ornament as of truth. I could, perhaps, like others, have astonished thee with strange improbable tales.